Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change

September changed perception

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September is gone and the world has changed… at least for me. Remember my post Perception creates reality? I still am not sure of all the changes ‘the energies of September’ have brought for me, but there was one specific moment that I feel is important to share. It happened during a meditation on the 27th, the day of the Blood Moon. Of all the effects the last few weeks might have had, this experience may have caused the most pronounced change of my perception.

During meditation I was told I would experience the ‘appreciation event’. I perceived my Guide spreading out a blanket on the ground in front of us. We walked onto it and suddenly someone pulled it away from underneath our feet (like that moment in the movies when someone pulls away the tablecloth and all the plates and glasses seem to just jump up and drop back on the table?). Perhaps it was intended to show me how they can ‘literally’ pull the rug out from under my feet, and I’m still standing.

chestThe next moment I perceived myself slowly sinking into water, deeper and deeper until I reached something resembling the ocean’s bottom. There my attention was drawn to my left and a big chest filled with treasures. I then saw people approaching the chest, admiring the treasures.

I was turned around, to look the other direction. There I was given something 20151004_140854resembling a heart shaped balloon, I held it in my arms and I knew: ‘this is APPRECIATION’. I felt it in my heart.  I suddenly realized: Once I truly understood and felt appreciation for what is, all ‘the treasures of the world’ that many of us are constantly trying to accumulate lose their meaning.

Once you shift your perception from ‘what you think you need’ to ‘appreciating what you have’ you have changed your world. It was a simple message but the ramifications are far reaching and powerful.


Author: Barbara Gia

I'm a collapse-aware facilitator of Change and Personal Transformation ; I've worked as a trauma-informed licensed psychotherapist in private practice. I'm probably best described as an empath and naturalist, I love spending time in nature. I have spent a lot of time throughout my life connecting ('bridging') two worlds, exploring the depths of human and non-human psychology and biology as well as 'higher metaphysical realms'. Nature is where I belong.

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