Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change

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KAYPACHA ~ pele report: healing past relationships

It’s that time of the week again. Here is Kaypacha’s pele report for you. Are you facing that “looming shadow” yet? Going into the underworld doesn’t necessarily sound like fun but do we have a choice? As always he is making it sound like it is manageable – with a bit of humor. Remember: anything is possible 🙂

Black Moon Lilith conjunct the north node of the Moon at the same time as retrograde Venus stations to go direct conjunct Mars.  Both of these are highlighting this week as Relationship Renewal Week!  A wonderful time to revisit the past, make amends, digest unconscious Soul intentions, heal and move on lighter, freer, and smiling!

That third quarter square Moon in Gemini also helps bring in more conscious perspectives that we may witness ourselves “from afar” and receive intuitive flashes of understanding.  The creative impulses of Leo can inspire NEW expressions of love, poetry, and romance as we lighten up and PLAY!  Gone is the heaviness, the remorse, the fears generated from past hurts…. we are ready to go for it again, dance, party, love, and rejoice.

Forgiveness is understanding,

That I may never know,

Why we hurt each other,

Or which one of us needs to grow.

Black Moon Lilith conjunct the north node of the Moon exact Friday but we have been feeling it a couple weeks and will feel it a couple more.  However, it could well culminate around Sunday as Venus stations and goes direct as both of these signal a death/resurrection process of renewal that may be somewhat unavoidable.  

It is an excellent time to go into, sit with, feel, and heal past relationship woes, hurts, and failures.  It is a time when memories can get triggered, feelings re-emerge, and judgments of ourselves and others come to meet us.  It is such an opportunity, if we can actually let them come up, not ignore and stuff them back down (where they create dis-ease) and step from judgment to a state of vulnerable inquiry for Spirit to work magic within our hearts, bodies, and souls.

Check out my webpage and/or facebook page for a look at the bigger picture…. coming soon. Wishing you all the best in removing those blocks to future happiness!  Injoy!




