Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change


Ascension – preparing for afterlife?

Hello Everyone,

It’s been a while since my last post. 2016 has been really busy and quite a challenge – not only for me, it seems. How have you survived ? Almost a year ago, during the holidays december of 2015, I experienced the phoenix, the symbol of TRANSFORMATION. It was a very intense and positive time. At the time I had no clue what kind of change was about to occur. In fact, in the first 6 months of the year, I thought the change I was being alerted to was about my mortal life, about being more involved in the mortal world. Now I’m not so sure about that anymore. I finally found a new office for my practice and we had several projects renovating our house that kept me REAL busy. I still did my meditations and sessions with guidance but felt consumed by the demands of ‘this world’.  Finally, during a summer break, I felt a ‘change of tides‘ and my attention was drawn back to the metaphysical world. Since then (the last 6 months) I’ve been  busy  in a very different way. I was back -yet in a different way – connecting to, working with and being in the metaphysical realms. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t all that easy. In fact, all my connections were being changed and I am (still) struggling to get back a similarly good rapport that I used to have – with guidance and anybody or anything else in the other realms. It’s been an emotional roller coaster going from an exhilarating high to a depressing disconnected low.

During the LOWS I noticed that my old ways of seeking comfort weren’t working anymore. In the past, among a few other things, I would look at ‘energy updates’ or the latest news of some selected channelers and sites hoping to reconnect that way. However, over the course of the last 12 – 24 months, their messages have either not resonated with me anymore, sounded very repetitive or simply ‘nuts’. Some don’t have much to say and post less (avoiding repetitions? )  and yet others completely vanished. I wonder what’s going on?!? Maybe my path is going a completely different direction than it used to? If I am not part of their ‘world’ anymore – and they’re not part of mine – it would explain the ‘not-resonating-anymore’ …. but the rest?

I wonder who else is feeling this way?

For a long time, talking about ‘ascension symptoms’ seemed very common on spiritual websites. It actually became the basis for some sites / groups / forums on the internet and I’ve mentioned them on this blog at least twice ( Suffering from Ascension  and No Shit ). They were labelled ‘physical side effects’ of ascension….. but what’s this ascension really about? Anyone an idea? What is or was the purpose of all these ‘higher frequency upgrades’? Why is it that there is seemingly  no new info coming through the channelers? Could it be that this whole ‘frequency upgrade’ stuff isn’t preparing us for something in this life or reality (i.e. the wonderful world, the shiny new planet earth with awakened souls) but rather a preparation for our afterlife? What’s your thought?





CHANGE of tides

5 months ago I posted the ‘wave of change‘ and indeed I got hit by a huge wave. Was it a wipe out? I am not sure. I definitely feel ‘wiped out’ at this point….but I am still here, alive and ticking. This will be a different post and shorter than my previous ones. I simply wanted to inform those who have visited my blog in the past 5 months without finding any new posts and (some) who asked if everything was okay that, yes, I am fine – exhausted but fine. Thank you so much for caring. It has been a busy time. Life is not the same anymore, not only on a personal level. We live in a different world than we did 5 months ago. Now where were you again in February?

Anyway, while the past few months seemed to be dominated by changes in the mundane physical world and surroundings, it seems my focus is now shifting back to the metaphysical realms. From running around and being ‘out and about’ I am ready to put on the brakes and focus within. I am basically just stopping by at my blog before going into hibernation (also called ‘my cave’). Once again I retreat from the ongoing buzz of daily life into a more meditative state focused on connecting to the metaphysical realms (see my post from december ‘Changing tradition‘). It seems counterintuitive to turn inwards in the summer when all the action is going on outside but I’m also aware of the importance of listening to one’s own unique rhythm and needs.When it means ‘swimming against the current’ then that’ll be what I will do.

See you upon my return….although at this point I cannot see myself returning to ‘the old ways’ of blogging once I get out of my cave, but who knows….there may be yet another change. Things happen so quickly these days, it is hard to keep up with it all. Wave after wave……






Changing tradition


In my experience, the most effective, truly transformative and longest lasting change comes from within. In my last post ‘Rising Phoenix‘ I shared a little about the initiation of such a transformative experience.  I haven’t shared much about the transformation initiated by this event. As this is an ongoing process, it will take a while to integrate and see what is unfolding.

However, one of the results will also affect my blog – the reason I would like to share this part with you now. As you may have already noticed, there have been less posts (not counting reblogs) in the last couple of months and that’ll most likely be the case for a while. Also, I decided to change my writing style a bit. ‘Keep it simple‘ is very important. I’ll stop mulling over my posts for hours and instead will write what comes to mind, do less editing and…push ‘publish’. So future posts will be straight from the heart with less censorship by the brain.

‘Keep it simple’ will also be the approach to the holidays this year.  I know some of you won’t celebrate christmas – but the majority of people I know or come in contact with do. In the past I’ve enjoyed celebrating it in one way or another. This year (and in a way the last 3 years) there’s just not that ‘christmas – feel’ to it. Although part of me wants to hold on to the old traditions, the other side of me which is gaining power, is telling me to let go of the old. But how do you decide what to let go off? CHANGE is what’s needed. Letting go of things that one is fed up with is easy, letting go of things/traditions/people etc. that one still loves is a much harder task. So I am still trying to find some kind of compromise but I thought I’d use the holidays for a different kind of ‘celebration’ this year. For many, it is a time to get together, to (re)connect to loved-ones and some not-so-loved-ones. It’s tradition, what can you say? And after spending time with food, family and friends, many will seek connection (distraction, entertainment, information) on the internet. I have the intention to turn into a more contemplative state over the holidays. Instead of connecting on the internet, I want to spend more time actually connecting to the metaphysical realms. The overload of info coming out of the internet sometimes seems counterproductive. Keeping up with all the contacts can be overwhelming. Maybe the holidays is a good time to simplify and stay off the grid. What do you think?

Happy Holidays … and a Happy New Year




Rising Phoenix

sBeuT6fOyPw_AlcCOOlmm63q0VBW3-6BYbgiWXivfL0kWl7PMy8xuA==“THE PHOENIX embodies the theme of transmutation… Mythology tells us that at the end of its life, the Phoenix sets its own nest on fire. After the bird is consumed by the flames, a new Phoenix emerges from the ashes. When we emulate the Phoenix, we embrace the process of transformation and recognize that a part of our earthly experience includes death. We allow ourselves to be consumed by the flames with the knowing that nothing is ever really lost, and that rebirth always follows what appears to be an ending.” (Pam Younghans, Northpointastrology)

It’s been more than 2 months since my last post (not counting the reblogs of course) and it’s not like there wasn’t anything to write about during that time, quite the contrary. Those rare moments when I attempted to create a new post, I immediately got distracted or simply couldn’t ‘pull it together’. In the end it just didn’t feel like the right time (yet). These past two months seem to have gone by in a flash for me, filled with so much new information, so many new experiences. October still being an intense preparation time and November marking the launch of a new level, a new being….and here we are in December!

I decided to share some of my recent experiences with you. Perhaps you have undergone or will be undergoing a similar process. As we are all on our individual Spiritual Paths, this may play out differently for you, perhaps take on a different form. In any case the emphasis of this period we’re in is  TRANSFORMATION. After a long time of letting go, of cleansing, purging and clearing, of freeing ourselves from old baggage and patterns, it is time to step into the new, to RISE FROM THE ASHES.

In October I reblogged a post by Lauren Gorgo (Resurrection: a new life cycle begins) describing a similar stage of the process. It sounded a lot like the transformation of the phoenix. She talked about the process of sorting through the parts of our self that we will/ will not be taking with us and pulling remaining soul fragments back from our old lives. She also mentioned this sorting and reclamation process requires our complete focus on ourselves and that it may feel to us “… as tho we are in a bubble and everything that matters to us is rescinding…”. She warned us these transition experiences may feel like death….and I have to agree. Her post really resonated with me – she described many of my experiences at that time!

On November 11 I was being guided into becoming the PHOENIX during a very powerful, deeply moving meditation session. In the previous weeks my Guides and others had been preparing me for this event. Since then I’ve had numerous more sessions focused on (co)creating myself, rising from the ashes, if you will. It’s an ongoing development, so I have no idea where this is going but one of the things I’ve learnt is to trust the process. Actually, during one of the sessions, I was told that  TRUST, POWER and CONFIDENCE were the basic ingredients for my creation process. Another time I was asked to confront my fears, in the mortal as well as metaphysical realms. It felt like I was working through, burning off, layers of old patterns. Many of the continuous session were focused on the recurring questions: ‘who are you?’ and ‘what do you want?’. These are very important questions – for those of us currently undergoing this deep transformation process.

At this time it seems crucial to come to know who we are, who we want to be and take on our individual role as the Sacred Beings that we are – so that we can truly be in our power.








NorthpointAstrology ~ Pam Younghans

Yes, I am still alive….and it’s not even that I wouldn’t have anything to write about but somehow the words never quite make it into a post. However, I wanted to share this weekly astrology update from Pam Younghans with you. It felt so ‘right on’ when mentioning the scorpio’s energies, its symbolism and especially the phoenix part. That’s exactly what I’m currently going through (and, what a surprise, I happen to be a scorpio :-)). Perhaps more of you can relate – even if you aren’t born under this sign. We’re all in scorpio’s energies this week.

On 11/11 I had a powerful meditation session about a phoenix, being the phoenix. It is time to rise from the ashes – not just for me!


Your guide to planetary energies for

November 16 to 22, 2015

By Pam Younghans

SCORPIO is the only sign of the zodiac that has multiple animal symbols — the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. Each one represents a different facet of the Scorpio experience. Together, they provide guidance that is much needed when we must deal with life-changing events, such as those that have occurred since the Scorpio New Moon last Wednesday. 

Two of these animals — the Scorpion and the Eagle — symbolize two very different ways of responding to our life experience.

THE SCORPION hides under rocks or in loose soil during the day, coming forth at night to hunt and feed. They have the ability to paralyze and poison their prey. When we emulate the Scorpion…CONTINUE READING HERE


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NorthpointAstrology ~ Pam Younghans

“A triangle with wings: The capacity for self-transcending.”

The Total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday occurs at 7:50pm PDT. The Sabian symbol for the Moon’s location at the time of an eclipse gives insights into the higher intention of the lunation. The symbol for this Sunday’s eclipse reinforces Pluto’s themes of moving us into “a higher level of expression”….. that’s what stuck out the most for me from this report. But read it yourself, perhaps you find something useful for your path. And remember: tomorrow is EQUINOX (at 1:22 am PDT) – thanks to the two eclipses, this one may be pretty intense as well –

Your guide to planetary energies for

September 21 to 27, 2015

By Pam Younghans

“A TEST OF FAITH.” These are the words that astrologer Bil Tierney uses to describe the effects of Saturn in Sagittarius. Given that Saturn fully entered the ninth sign last Thursday, each of us is now working with that basic lesson in varying degrees.

We will have something of a “pop quiz” this coming Friday when Saturn forms a square with Mars in Virgo. This aspect will challenge us to see …CONTINUE READING HERE



Intense transformative times

During July and August, the internet was buzzing with a great variety of predictions from ‘wave x’ to ‘the tsunami of love’, another financial crisis, a meteor hitting earth and numerous other big events.  So like many of us I was curious what September would bring, wondering if big change is near. Well, perhaps it’s not THE big one, but for me – and many others – September seems to be a transformative month.

The information I received may apply to you, or not. I decided to share it here as it may be ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’ for some. Especially those who have been struggling with the ‘side effects’ of their spiritual path, aka spiritual growing pains, may be interested in this little bit of information I am offering. As with all things, take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. The following info was brought through over a period of 10 days by my Spirit Guides and a group of other metaphysicals I regularly contact.

During a meditation session on September 8th, I started hearing the words ‘in and out’ referring to a back-and-forth movement between dimensions. The image accompanying these words was a revolving door that kept turning. What I then perceived was as if something was being ‘unhooked’ from the left hemisphere of my brain and then plugged in to the right hemisphere. The message was: ‘”This is to make progress, progression INTO the light. There are light frequencies that won’t harm you but they will destroy parts of lightbodyyou, leftovers from old times, previous centuries of human, humanity’s development.” I was told that this process would touch my mortal life although it wouldn’t have the dramatic changes I  might be wishing for. I was reminded to eat lightly, drink lots of water (the usual stuff when major energetic shifts take place and the body needs to cope). I was warned that this ‘phase of recalibration’ would come with some discomfort but that I needed to ‘endure’ it to make the leap into the next evolutionary step. Towards the end of the session, I was urged to focus with intent and spend half an hour each day meditating on this ‘task’. The severe impact (strong physical reactions) would last for 3 weeks – after that they were supposed to lessen. I was also asked NOT to perceive them as as the annoying symptoms they are but to see them simply as indicators of change.

This was followed, 5 days later, by another message relating to the current ‘process’. The weekend of the solar eclipse – one that really knocked me off my feet – I had a meditation dna-ugduring which I communicated with a group of entities called ‘the Transformationists’. I perceived the image of human DNA and along with that the message “DNA lightcode activation”. That was it. I had no idea what they were talking about but it was clear that this was what’s happening to me.

Finally, on September 16th, I woke up in the middle of the night, knowing one of my primary guides ‘visited’ me. I was too tired to engage in any kind of conversation but since he rarely shows up, I felt it was important. So in the morning, I tried to make contact. He had come in to show me support during this ‘difficult time’ . When I asked about duration of this shift, how long I was to anticipate dealing with these physical reactions, he indicated that the shift should be over by mid March. I was told that this also applied to others on the spiritual path. So there it is, the light at the end of the tunnel! September may not mark the unfolding of big events changing the earth – as some seem to hope – but it already has been an intense, transformative month for me!



Be Who You Truly Are

These five words along with the revelation of having Spirit Guides changed my life. It completely changed my perception of life, of the world, the Universe. It was such a simple sentence and yet had such a strong impact on how I perceived myself and the way I wanted to lead my life. At the time I was told this, I had no idea who I “truly” was. And yet, those words hit home. It was the truth. But how do I find out who I truly am and how can I be that?

It was the year 2005 and I had called a psychic/medium/healer/energy worker. It happened more out of curiosity than a pressing need (I’d heard miraculous things about his work). At least that was my understanding of the situation back then. From my current perspective I would say the whole incident was well orchestrated by the same Guides who revealed themselves to me – via the psychic – in that very same session. The psychic told me there wasn’t much he could assist with but for one important message from my Spirit Guides: Be Who You Truly are!

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about “walk the walk and talk the talk”. The message I received in 2005 was to recognize that there’s a lot more to this Universe than just the physical manifestation and effects we perceive. There is a lot more to me than what I was aware of at that time. I needed to discover who I am and the potentials I have.

Recently I had a meditation during which I was shown a floating iceberg. The iceberg represented me. The part under water was huge compared to the small portion above. This is not an uncommon analogy. iceberg

Psychologists like to use this iceberg analogy: What is above water is conscious, our conscious awareness. The part touching the water, sometimes in, sometimes peeking out of the water is the subconscious. The biggest part (90-95%) of the iceberg which is below the surface represents our unconscious.

However, in my case the iceberg above water represented what I (and others) perceive of myself in my mortal daily life. The portion under water represented my mind. It showed me the potentials and possibilities I have access to.

Being who you truly are isn’t a destination, a static state you can achieve. The longer I’ve been on this journey, I find the “being” morphing into “becoming” who I truly am. The further I come along, the more possibilities open up.

Although it sounds so easy, I wouldn’t say being / becoming who you truly are is a simple task. In fact, connecting to and trusting my Guidance has been instrumental in achieving who I am at this point .Find more about connecting to Guides here.

Do you know who YOU truly are…..becoming?


Suffering from Ascension?

” I suddenly felt hit by depression, nausea and dizziness – anyone know if there are any solar flares?” “I feel pressures on my head, sensitive spots and my skin is itchy, tingling etc. – is earth getting another energetic download?”

There’ s lots of talk on the internet about Ascension Symptoms. You may have them too. Some call them Spiritual Awakening Symptoms, others refer to them as Lightbody Activations, Kundalini Awakening Symptoms or simply Spiritual Growing Pains.

indexMany of us who suffer these ominous side effects of Spiritual Awakening relate them directly to energetic shifts of planet Earth. However, not all of these strange, unpleasant inexplicable experiences are necessarily caused by aforementioned energetic shifts. There are other possible explanations for these occurrences that you may be labelling “Ascension Symptoms”. Today I want to address some potential factors other than planetary/universal influences. Being on the spiritual path makes us increasingly sensitive to ANY energies. It is not limited to planetary changes or solar/lunar activity.

Here are some common sources for bodily reactions that I have encountered during my Spiritual Journey but there may be other causes I’m not currently aware of. You’re welcome to complete the list according to your own experiences.

1.PLANETARY ACTION – including, but not limited to, solar flares, energy waves flowing through the Omniverse, Universe, Galaxy, Solar System; special planetary constellations (ask your favorite astrologer), a full moon, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse…

2.CORDING – energetically hooked into someone/something

  • a) Metaphysicals  – Have you been meditating or “playing in the Universe” without sufficient protection? There may be metaphysicals who simply got interested in you. They may not have any mischievous intent but by hooking into you they may be causing problems. The result is more likely to be emotional but could include (other) physical reactions as well.
  • b) Individual mortals – these are usually select humans that you interact or have a close relationship with
  • c) The Human Collective – you might be hooked into the “human collective” and get a sense of what IT is undergoing. There are times when waves of anxiety, fear or anger sweep through the human collective. If you suddenly find yourself depressed, anxious or angry, it could be linked to your human connection.
  • d) You may be cording someone else – if you are consciously or unconsciously reaching out to someone else, you are also hooked into their energies. This can cause reactions on your part (depending on how they’re feeling at the time).

3.SPIRIT GUIDES – you may call them Angels, Higher Self, Companions…

  • a) Believe it or not: your own Guidance may be the root of your last bout of depression. These are unintended side effects of their work. I’ve experienced times of rewiring and realigning of energies, during which I received some kind of “downloads”. Afterwards I was hit by depression, a headache or several sensitive spots on my skull….or all of the above. When our energies are changed, our chemistry is being changed. The body reacts – unfortunately not always in a pleasant way. Sometimes the body goes into fear when you go “OBE” (out-of-body) and pulls you back by creating severe physical symptoms.
  • b) Guides are using physical symptoms to get your attention – these can range from body tingling,  or chills to stinging or more severe ones. Ask your Guides if it’s them – this might be an easy one to clear.
  • c) Lack of connection can also cause symptoms. This is usually a trigger for depression, especially if you’ve gone through a period of strong, close connection and suddenly feel a void.

4. YOU – Expectations, Perceptions etc.

  • don’t forget your own role in all of this. If you read “energetic downloads” are about to happen – how does that affect your expectations, your perception of your body? The internet is wonderful in many respects…but can easily cause “mass hysteria” (see posted here).

So next time you’re “getting hit” you may want to consider a few more options than just “the energies of the Universe” being the culprit. Aaaah the complexity of it all…


Last but not least: Remember to make sure the symptoms you are experiencing aren’t related to any other health issues…..and remember this post is based on MY limited perception – yours may be completely different. In the end we perceive what we need to – depending on where we are on our path.


Enjoying what is

BEAR with me, everyone (11mins). This is definitely not one of my most profound posts, but one that you hopefully enjoy.

On the other hand, there is the symbolism of the bear. Bear as a spirit animal representing strength, fearlessness, the importance of quiet time and rest. The spirit of the bear providing strong grounding forces. Yet I have to admit the meaning of a bear getting into a backyard pool eludes me. Maybe you can tell me, I’m curious to hear your suggestions!

Or maybe you’ll just do what I did: enjoy the playfulness and fun this mother and cubs seem to have. It made my day and I hope it’ll make yours too!

And talk about Synchronicity… Dayna Spirit, you may enjoy this one the most!

Do not mute it when watching – you might also have fun with the different reactions of the family videotaping it.