Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change


NorthpointAstrology ~ Pam Younghans

Yes, I am still alive….and it’s not even that I wouldn’t have anything to write about but somehow the words never quite make it into a post. However, I wanted to share this weekly astrology update from Pam Younghans with you. It felt so ‘right on’ when mentioning the scorpio’s energies, its symbolism and especially the phoenix part. That’s exactly what I’m currently going through (and, what a surprise, I happen to be a scorpio :-)). Perhaps more of you can relate – even if you aren’t born under this sign. We’re all in scorpio’s energies this week.

On 11/11 I had a powerful meditation session about a phoenix, being the phoenix. It is time to rise from the ashes – not just for me!


Your guide to planetary energies for

November 16 to 22, 2015

By Pam Younghans

SCORPIO is the only sign of the zodiac that has multiple animal symbols — the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. Each one represents a different facet of the Scorpio experience. Together, they provide guidance that is much needed when we must deal with life-changing events, such as those that have occurred since the Scorpio New Moon last Wednesday. 

Two of these animals — the Scorpion and the Eagle — symbolize two very different ways of responding to our life experience.

THE SCORPION hides under rocks or in loose soil during the day, coming forth at night to hunt and feed. They have the ability to paralyze and poison their prey. When we emulate the Scorpion…CONTINUE READING HERE


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NorthpointAstrology ~ Pam Younghans

“A triangle with wings: The capacity for self-transcending.”

The Total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday occurs at 7:50pm PDT. The Sabian symbol for the Moon’s location at the time of an eclipse gives insights into the higher intention of the lunation. The symbol for this Sunday’s eclipse reinforces Pluto’s themes of moving us into “a higher level of expression”….. that’s what stuck out the most for me from this report. But read it yourself, perhaps you find something useful for your path. And remember: tomorrow is EQUINOX (at 1:22 am PDT) – thanks to the two eclipses, this one may be pretty intense as well –

Your guide to planetary energies for

September 21 to 27, 2015

By Pam Younghans

“A TEST OF FAITH.” These are the words that astrologer Bil Tierney uses to describe the effects of Saturn in Sagittarius. Given that Saturn fully entered the ninth sign last Thursday, each of us is now working with that basic lesson in varying degrees.

We will have something of a “pop quiz” this coming Friday when Saturn forms a square with Mars in Virgo. This aspect will challenge us to see …CONTINUE READING HERE
