Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change


Rising Phoenix

sBeuT6fOyPw_AlcCOOlmm63q0VBW3-6BYbgiWXivfL0kWl7PMy8xuA==“THE PHOENIX embodies the theme of transmutation… Mythology tells us that at the end of its life, the Phoenix sets its own nest on fire. After the bird is consumed by the flames, a new Phoenix emerges from the ashes. When we emulate the Phoenix, we embrace the process of transformation and recognize that a part of our earthly experience includes death. We allow ourselves to be consumed by the flames with the knowing that nothing is ever really lost, and that rebirth always follows what appears to be an ending.” (Pam Younghans, Northpointastrology)

It’s been more than 2 months since my last post (not counting the reblogs of course) and it’s not like there wasn’t anything to write about during that time, quite the contrary. Those rare moments when I attempted to create a new post, I immediately got distracted or simply couldn’t ‘pull it together’. In the end it just didn’t feel like the right time (yet). These past two months seem to have gone by in a flash for me, filled with so much new information, so many new experiences. October still being an intense preparation time and November marking the launch of a new level, a new being….and here we are in December!

I decided to share some of my recent experiences with you. Perhaps you have undergone or will be undergoing a similar process. As we are all on our individual Spiritual Paths, this may play out differently for you, perhaps take on a different form. In any case the emphasis of this period we’re in is  TRANSFORMATION. After a long time of letting go, of cleansing, purging and clearing, of freeing ourselves from old baggage and patterns, it is time to step into the new, to RISE FROM THE ASHES.

In October I reblogged a post by Lauren Gorgo (Resurrection: a new life cycle begins) describing a similar stage of the process. It sounded a lot like the transformation of the phoenix. She talked about the process of sorting through the parts of our self that we will/ will not be taking with us and pulling remaining soul fragments back from our old lives. She also mentioned this sorting and reclamation process requires our complete focus on ourselves and that it may feel to us “… as tho we are in a bubble and everything that matters to us is rescinding…”. She warned us these transition experiences may feel like death….and I have to agree. Her post really resonated with me – she described many of my experiences at that time!

On November 11 I was being guided into becoming the PHOENIX during a very powerful, deeply moving meditation session. In the previous weeks my Guides and others had been preparing me for this event. Since then I’ve had numerous more sessions focused on (co)creating myself, rising from the ashes, if you will. It’s an ongoing development, so I have no idea where this is going but one of the things I’ve learnt is to trust the process. Actually, during one of the sessions, I was told that  TRUST, POWER and CONFIDENCE were the basic ingredients for my creation process. Another time I was asked to confront my fears, in the mortal as well as metaphysical realms. It felt like I was working through, burning off, layers of old patterns. Many of the continuous session were focused on the recurring questions: ‘who are you?’ and ‘what do you want?’. These are very important questions – for those of us currently undergoing this deep transformation process.

At this time it seems crucial to come to know who we are, who we want to be and take on our individual role as the Sacred Beings that we are – so that we can truly be in our power.







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Resurrection: a new life cycle begins ~ by Lauren Gorgo

It’s been a while since I have posted any of my own writing. For a few weeks now it feels as if I am more and more detached from anything that’s part of this 3D physical reality. One of the reasons why I found this update from Lauren Gorgo worth reblogging is that she is talking about that exact topic. Being in a ” very liquidy void space where everything is kind of floating in an abyss with little to no structure and/or ability to decipher where we are headed or why…most of us can’t muster up the motivation to care” sounds oh-too-familiar. It felt like any creative energies have left me … and most of the time I don’t even care about that. However, that state is NO FUN to be in.

“so it can feel as tho we are in a bubble and everything that matters to us is rescinding… pulling away and/or ending” – yep, I can DEFINITELY relate to that. Unfortunately. But there is hope. That’s the reason I decided to post this for all of you out there who know what I am talking about.

I feel especially strong about her message because just two days ago, I suddenly had to think about ( = my guides brought to my attention) a meditation I had end of June. During that meditation I was told by guidance that in 3-5 months (Oct. – Dec.) there’d be a change…of my biological being. They also mentioned an exit, but said it wouldn’t be out of this life. In 8 months (March) there would be a birth of a new life. This, again, coincides with information I received in September about a shift to be completed around that time (“…. indicated that the shift should be over by mid March. I was told that this also applied to others on the spiritual path”). So how about that ‘physical rebirth point’?

Are YOU ready for a new life cycle? Hope you enjoy this reblog, Gia


Resurrection: a new life cycle begins

October 22, 2015 by Lauren

For the pioneers, wayshowers, forerunners who have cleared all emotional and genetic miasms, a new life cycle awaits. Many contracts have been completed thru core wound clearing which means some are ready to move deeper into the resurrection phase of the ascension process.

As we leave the old reality system and prepare to enter fully into the new, we approach what my Sources call our physical rebirth point….”the moment when the changes of our higher dimensional nature merge with our lower body system”

As of 10/10 many at the fore have completed a major life cycle, entered into a holding space, and are preparing to begin a brand new chapter of life on 11/11.

September, and all of its accompanying celestial blessings, brought us THE force...the Source frequency (creation) codes needed for our new life cycle…where October has been clearing the space in our bodies (hello super intensified solar activity) for those energies to enter and anchor into the physical parts of our lives and world. November (universal ONE month) will reveal our new path/purpose more clearly, along with the physical components needed to create it.

At the moment we are currently in a very liquidy void space where everything is kind of floating in an abyss with little to no structure and/or ability to decipher where we are headed or why…most of us can’t muster up the motivation to care.  Even still, there is a steady new creative constant that is always rallying beneath us, pulsing thru us, even if barely perceptible at times…a palpable, vibrational safety net that prevents us from falling prey to the past, to the (under)world that we have just very recently moved out of……CONTINUE READING HERE