Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change


The wave of CHANGE

next waveHave you been hit by it as well ? There is a wave of change that seems to be crashing into this reality with full force. Will I be able to ride it or is it going to be a wipe out? At this point I have no clue how I am supposed to get through this and not be washed away by all the NEW coming up everywhere.

Ever since the second week of January life has taken on a completely different rhythm. Could it be that all those months years of living in limbo are finally over? For months I’ve been wanting to write a post but nothing ever made it to the blog. The old ways of writing  / communicating don’t feel right anymore. Everything seems to go through a process of reevaluation. In the past weeks when I thought of blogging it felt more like a chore than a fun experiment of sharing my Spiritual adventures so it may be time to take a longer break.

For so many months the emphasis (of my life)  seemed to be on the metaphysical side with so-called ascension symptoms reminding me that I was still integrating all that work I was doing ‘on the other side’ into this reality, this body. For the most part though, it felt like I wasn’t really here. However, since the beginning of January I find myself participating very much in THIS reality, involved in several new projects at the same time. This was unthinkable a few weeks ago when the mere thought of getting anything accomplished that went beyond my one-day-horizon seemed impossible. No. Energy. Left.

Now the game has changed – and I wonder how many of you feel it too. Have we finally made the transition – the change that we’ve all been waiting for? Is this the completion of the shift I was told about and mentioned in my post ‘Intense transformative times‘? Is all the work that we have done in the metaphysical realms  finally coming to fruition in this 3D reality as well? Is it possible that we have reached a level of integration where playing in several dimensions (including this one)  is happening with less and less effort and becoming the norm?

Earlier on my Spiritual Journey I read energy updates and other channeled material to either see if I had the same experiences or what was supposedly ahead of us. I got tired of those repetitive channeled messages – they all seemed to say the same thing. However, it seems that the undertone of their writings seems to have changed in the last month, there is a noticeable change – in all of them. So what’s this wave of change about? Who knows  – best to go with the flow and let it surprise you.

Depending on whether I will master the wave or wipe out, you may hear from me or……. In any case I wish you all fun experiencing the changes within and without and being (in) the NEW.



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Resurrection: a new life cycle begins ~ by Lauren Gorgo

It’s been a while since I have posted any of my own writing. For a few weeks now it feels as if I am more and more detached from anything that’s part of this 3D physical reality. One of the reasons why I found this update from Lauren Gorgo worth reblogging is that she is talking about that exact topic. Being in a ” very liquidy void space where everything is kind of floating in an abyss with little to no structure and/or ability to decipher where we are headed or why…most of us can’t muster up the motivation to care” sounds oh-too-familiar. It felt like any creative energies have left me … and most of the time I don’t even care about that. However, that state is NO FUN to be in.

“so it can feel as tho we are in a bubble and everything that matters to us is rescinding… pulling away and/or ending” – yep, I can DEFINITELY relate to that. Unfortunately. But there is hope. That’s the reason I decided to post this for all of you out there who know what I am talking about.

I feel especially strong about her message because just two days ago, I suddenly had to think about ( = my guides brought to my attention) a meditation I had end of June. During that meditation I was told by guidance that in 3-5 months (Oct. – Dec.) there’d be a change…of my biological being. They also mentioned an exit, but said it wouldn’t be out of this life. In 8 months (March) there would be a birth of a new life. This, again, coincides with information I received in September about a shift to be completed around that time (“…. indicated that the shift should be over by mid March. I was told that this also applied to others on the spiritual path”). So how about that ‘physical rebirth point’?

Are YOU ready for a new life cycle? Hope you enjoy this reblog, Gia


Resurrection: a new life cycle begins

October 22, 2015 by Lauren

For the pioneers, wayshowers, forerunners who have cleared all emotional and genetic miasms, a new life cycle awaits. Many contracts have been completed thru core wound clearing which means some are ready to move deeper into the resurrection phase of the ascension process.

As we leave the old reality system and prepare to enter fully into the new, we approach what my Sources call our physical rebirth point….”the moment when the changes of our higher dimensional nature merge with our lower body system”

As of 10/10 many at the fore have completed a major life cycle, entered into a holding space, and are preparing to begin a brand new chapter of life on 11/11.

September, and all of its accompanying celestial blessings, brought us THE force...the Source frequency (creation) codes needed for our new life cycle…where October has been clearing the space in our bodies (hello super intensified solar activity) for those energies to enter and anchor into the physical parts of our lives and world. November (universal ONE month) will reveal our new path/purpose more clearly, along with the physical components needed to create it.

At the moment we are currently in a very liquidy void space where everything is kind of floating in an abyss with little to no structure and/or ability to decipher where we are headed or why…most of us can’t muster up the motivation to care.  Even still, there is a steady new creative constant that is always rallying beneath us, pulsing thru us, even if barely perceptible at times…a palpable, vibrational safety net that prevents us from falling prey to the past, to the (under)world that we have just very recently moved out of……CONTINUE READING HERE

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KAYPACHA pele report … and some kick-ass energies

Had an amazing transforming weekend…” could have been my own  words. However, I would probably have described mine as an amazing kick-ass weekend. WOW. There was a precursor to it and for the last 10 days writing/posting was not an option. The internet was mostly off limits for me. The current energies made me overly sensitive and any negative news ( = news in general) felt toxic. So in my little cave I went….. Transforming it was, that’s for sure! So far, September may not have gifted us with the BIG CHANGE(yet)  but at least for me, it’s been transformative indeed. Here is, what’s in store for us for the coming 7 days. 

Had an amazing transforming weekend myself and hope you did too!  As the north node solar eclipse sent us into this eclipse season with Lilith conjunct the north node, it set the tone for the next six months really as one of coming to terms, truth, and reality in our relationships, work, and goals.  It will be interesting to see how these all develop as Mercury goes retrograde this week, all the way back to the node and Lilith to review, rethink, and perhaps redo some thoughts, plans, and conversations (will be there in 3 weeks so more on that later!)

In the meantime, things are blasting away here at NPA as I am presenting all over the place and meeting awesome friends EVERYWHERE!  It is so comforting to know there are so many like minded, loving people on this planet that are ready and pushing to heal themselves, others, and Gaia. I did manage to record one of my presentations that is going out to the NPA community, and one coming up in Santa Fe is being livestreamed if you would like an extra long Pele Report!

The time is now,

To share my truth,

As an offering of light,

Love and gratitude.

We have a couple different options when dealing with the planetary energies this week.  One is to feel oppressed or overworked, blow a fuse and let others have it!  We may not be fully aware of how attached, pushy, or forceful we are being when trying to get our way.  The second is to feel threatened by some nasty other and cower down in fear.  The challenge will be to remain calm and centered between the two.

In this report, I discuss how doing what is meaningful, purposeful, and true to you personally can change a dull, depressing routine into a joy filled contribution to humanity.  As we re-examine, re-evaluate, and re-member that our truth lies within, we can more easily align not only our goals and dreams, but our daily and weekly lives toward achieving them.   As Mercury goes re-trograde for the next three weeks in Libra, you may find yourself re-visiting some thoughts, conversations, and approaches that need some re-fining and re-tuning.  Don’t be afraid of humbly approaching the situation, as cooperation at this time can produce some fantastic results.

So Much Love!


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RECAP Progression of Light energy surge

So how did it go for you? To be honest, the rest of the weekend was pretty much uneventful for me. Not so much my husband. It’s actually quite funny how his experience with this energetic shift was almost the opposite of mine. For me the beginning was more eventful and the rest, well, the rest just was….while he had a slow start but then lots of info came pouring in for him, great insights and revelations.

For me, working with the words, their energies etc. was fun. Once I felt I had explored that enough, I basically sat through the rest of the last 5 or 6 waves. This is just a great example of how one person may be affected by one shift and not by another and vice versa.

Yet I have to admit experiences like that are quite frustrating. There are times when I am SO connected, feel so in tune with my Spiritual Guidance, channeling metaphysical Beings seems like a breeze, I ask a question and immediately get an answer. Well and there are those other times…. nothing seems to work, I try to connect, I ask for assistance – but all I get is: silence.Frustrating. Know what I mean?

To be fair: I did get something this time. Just not what I EXPECTED – and that is where the big trap lies. Playing in the metaphysical arenas is a lot of fun but not once expectations get in the way. Since that is a big topic in and of itself, I will write about it a bit more next time. For now, I’ll leave it at that. The energy surge had its effect and it’ll just take time for me to be aware of the changes.

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Another series of energy pulses on its way

Saw an article saying “something’s brewing” on one of the spiritual websites. My sense is that the brewing has gone on for quite a while now. To me it feels more like “something’s boiling” at this point. Feels more like a pressure-cooker. Perhaps it is due to yet another energetic surge my  guidance says is starting  Wednesday night/Thursday morning sometime. Now we’ve had many of these energy-shifts and surges over the past months, past years even…. but not everyone is affected the same way.  We aren’t all on the same path. Yes, there are many so-called lightworkers out there but not all have the same path. Not all channelers’ messages will resonate to you the same way. Some speak to you, others not so much and that too can change over time (it has for me). So when this next surge is coming in, you may or may not be aware of it or its effects. Nothing to worry about, it’s just the way it is. So much is being offered in the “spiritual” (I personally prefer the word “metaphysical”) arena, it is hard to distinguish: “what’s meant for me” ? This is up to each individual’s own discernment and if you trust your inner guidance, you’ll end up exactly where you need to be, with the relevant info meant for YOU.

That said, I trust that the ones in need for this little bit of info will get it – this way or another. I received information concerning an influx of energy (approx. July 15 – 19, when I am clearer about starting time, I’ll update) affecting communication in the whole Universe, the way we communicate. This starts out in the metaphysical realms but will hopefully (eventually) affect the physical world as well. How? If only I knew!

So here is the info my husband and I received via Spirit Guides:

There will be a series of energy pulses starting the 16th and culminating the 19th.  The pulses originate with a star group somewhere out there.  (This is actually part of the “Progression of Light” that I mentioned earlier on my blog.) This is the fifth series we have/will experience.  This series of energetic pulses is about communication.  In recent eons a common method of metaphysical, etc. communication has been packets — layers of info formed into a package to be opened by the recipient. We were told that the packet system is being phased out to be replaced by an earlier system — direct access to flows.  The amount/level of info one can access is determined by his/her degree of perception.  This old/new system is to morph into something else later.
Presumably we are to be focused on refining our perceptions (in all senses here and  – metaphysical realms-) before the pulsing starts and then focus on whatever new refinements we can perceive — I assume this relates to all species.  We are also told this will have some (limited) effect on the human collective.
Anyhow, just thought I’d share and will keep you posted over the next few days with more…

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Lauren Gorgo’s latest update:

Culmination Point: theoretical to applied mastery

Since the beginning of 2012, when the ensoulment process began in earnest, those at the helm of human and planetary ascension have been tirelessly working towardthe embodiment of divinity. During this deeply challenging window of time the Pleiadians have opened us up to so much new information regarding our transition into 5th dimensional, new human prototypes…and yet, until now, it has been a mostly cognitive experience.

2015 on the other hand, brought us to a whole new higher/deeper level of embodiment never before felt/experienced…catalyzed by the March equinox-blood moon-eclipse passage during Passover/Easter season…and now our transfiguration is fully underway, as a present-moment, in-the-flesh experience.

The difference in our experience of this process pre & post 2015 is profound…and from what I am hearing, the second half of this year is going to make that profundity obvious to even the most unaware.

Now we find ourselves freshly on the other side of the solstice, what I am hearing called a major culmination point,and the galactics tell me this was a grand finale of sorts…that we are releasing ourselves from our old, linear-based life template and fear-based patterns, that which will make our 5D lightbody template finally become a felt experience.

It’s become pretty clear that ascension/descension is no longer a process of predicting what’s to come, but a process of what IS occurring in our present moment…as we experience it.  In some ways embodying has proven way more challenging than I personally anticipated, but in other ways it is perfectly as challenging as it needs to be for us to move into such groundbreaking territory….and for something so far-reaching, miraculous even, to be accepted (by the mind) as a tangible reality.



©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2015 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

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Lauren Gorgo’s latest update – check it out!

And this is just what I meant (a few days ago). I think Lauren’s Update is pretty much nailing it – like always. I do notice though, that her Pleiadian friends didn’t have anything to say to us this time. Is she changing her “lightworker identity” too? Looks like we are all part of the BIG transformation. No exemptions…. and so keep on letting go. http://thinkwithyourheart.com/22144/god-realization/