Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change

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Change of plan

Ever since I started devoting a significant portion of my life to my metaphysical path, since this “Journey of Becoming” became such an important part of my life, making plans has basically become pointless. If I ever attempt to make any (and I am a bit stubborn with that one) they tend to get changed anyway. So my plan to post something halfway intelligible …. has changed. What’s new? I seem to be undergoing some kind of reconfiguring/restructuring/recalibrating that won’t let me focus on much of anything on this plane.


So instead of sharing some of my own thoughts or experiences, I thought you might enjoy someone else’s tales of the metaphysical. The story “Texan in 3 parts”   is a wonderful read and another example of different ways of perceiving. A creature that one person perceives as a demon straight out of the Bible, is “simply a being from another plane” (Texan part 2) for another. Different experiences, different perceptions.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Texan stories…