Universal Transformation

Sharing the Journey of Becoming * Metaphysics * Spirituality * Transformation* Change


KAYPACHA ~ pele report: push us to the limit

Feeling pushed to the limit– sounds familiar? I’ve had such a nice and somewhat quiet time over the holidays, at least  concerning THIS reality. There was lots going on in the other realms….but that is another story, perhaps one to be told later.  After having returned from my retreat, I am now faced with a lot of mundane issues (one of the reasons I’ve been so inactive on WP lately). Well, I can definitely relate to the  ‘being pushed to the limit’. How about you?

PS: the ‘real’ report doesn’t start until 8:13 mins – if you don’t care for his 3D computer images


Hola Star People!

How about that planetary lineup that is happening in the early morning sky from now thru late February????  At least we’ve got some time to muster up the chi to get out and see it if not tomorrow, eh?  Well, hope you have clear skies and don’t get up for nothin’!  Especially when you probably need as much sleep as you can get these days when everything is bongo nuts, intense, and stressful.  Great time to get things done but don’t forget to relax and breathe!  This weekend is looking like a great time to let off some steam, play, create, and find your child again. Go for it!


When I am in my Spirit Self,

There is no loss or gain,

My fears disperse as I liberate,

And am free to fly again.

That’s what we need these days, to find the portal to the Spirit Self and view our earthly dilemmas from there! Nice if you have a nice shamanic drumbeat to journey up to the “top of the sky” and cut a circular hole in it, open the hatch, and go through it into the celestial world. A beautiful journey that can be quite healing (I met one of my spirit guides that way) especially during times of stress and strain on the physical plane.

As I mention in this week’s report, this certainly is a time for some great stress and strain that can come in many guises, but will push us to our limits one way or another. It is as if the universe is plotting to see just what “stuff” we are made of…… “Come on! Take that! Whatcha gonna do now, huh?” You can almost picture some character out there egging us on……. wooooo.

Well, the full Moon in Leo this weekend will really offer all of us an opportunity to let off some steam, chill out and have some fun. May you have great, harmless, creative extravaganzas leading to new heart openings!

Have Fun With It All,


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KAYPACHA ~ pele report : Reinventing yourself

REINVENTING YOURSELF– those are the words that stood out for me … but there is a lot more to this pele report, so check it out. There is a lot going on in the planetary alignments…and here on Earth as well. I will share a bit more about my recent experiences with you soon. REINVENT YOURSELF being the current theme, it seems.


The magical mystery of Spirit,
Is that it descends from above,
As I let go of my personal needs,
And desire to serve with love.

Well, Yup, these are still crazy times and I don’t see the craziness coming to an end anytime soon. Saturn/Neptune aspects are traditionally associated with depression. Saturn in Sag NEEDS to find a deeper meaning and purpose for our existence (thank goddess we have 2 years!) or we can down the wormhole of “why bother?”

So in some ways we can say that if your boat is getting tipped, your world shook, it is Spirit pushing you out of your distractions, routines, and dependencies TO ASSIST you in expanding your reality to include a greater, bigger, deeper, broader, and wider purose for your existence on this planet at this time. Go for it! Connect with something bigger than you are, take the challenge and you will find a brighter, fuller, future. Namaste’!

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Kaypacha ~ pele report: pushing through some barriers


Oops…my computer just ate what I wrote. So much for communication problems 🙂 Oh well, so I will just tell you: hope you’re having fun with this (latest) pele report from Kaypacha and keep the rest for later…

G’day Astro Mates!

Well, we have a good week of what could best be called “strained communication” and at it’s worst just downright blocked or negative thinking.  I suppose the upside would be that we need to really stick with it, get our story straight, clear, and together, and most of all, really want to even have the conversation in the first place haha!  Gotta push through some barriers to connect these days but the results can be some long term contracts, commitments, and educational endeavors that last a long time!

I’m hanging in there and am committed to this astrology stuff, and though challenged, am presenting a number of workshops, making some vids, and with great excitement, putting out these great T-shirts in time for Christmas haha!  It has been suggested by many people over a long period of time so we will see if they fly or not.

This can actually be a bit of a dangerous time, as I speak of in the Pele Report, with Mars conjunct Lilith all week.  A time when it can take more awareness, patience and understanding to keep our relationships floating through rough seas.  One way to really know how bad you want something is to have it require dedication, perseverance, and powerful intention.  These days can be like the final exam with the big essay question of “Can you get along with others and stop projecting your shadow  on them?”  We may think everyone else is irritable or giving us a hard time when it is really our own unwillingness to meet them halfway.

As I see the big picture of our children’s future,

I know there’s a lot to do,

That begins with accepting and not regretting,

That I am another you.

It is often easier to see everyone else’s shadow, problems, and faults than it is to see our own.  It seems easier to blame and point the finger than to own that we could have tried harder, stayed in there longer, and had a different result.  Well this is one of those times where exercising patience, and calm, deep listening, can bear some positive results and long lasting commitments/contracts.  While it may be grueling to go over the details and come to agreements, it is like the universe is demanding that we really get clear on what we want, what we believe, what our truth is and what energy we are spreading around the place.  Whew!

May you triumph over the obstacles and blocks to speaking your truth and honoring the others and building powerful lasting relationships based on honesty, integrity,and trust.  Go for it!

So Much Love,





NorthpointAstrology ~ Pam Younghans

Yes, I am still alive….and it’s not even that I wouldn’t have anything to write about but somehow the words never quite make it into a post. However, I wanted to share this weekly astrology update from Pam Younghans with you. It felt so ‘right on’ when mentioning the scorpio’s energies, its symbolism and especially the phoenix part. That’s exactly what I’m currently going through (and, what a surprise, I happen to be a scorpio :-)). Perhaps more of you can relate – even if you aren’t born under this sign. We’re all in scorpio’s energies this week.

On 11/11 I had a powerful meditation session about a phoenix, being the phoenix. It is time to rise from the ashes – not just for me!


Your guide to planetary energies for

November 16 to 22, 2015

By Pam Younghans

SCORPIO is the only sign of the zodiac that has multiple animal symbols — the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. Each one represents a different facet of the Scorpio experience. Together, they provide guidance that is much needed when we must deal with life-changing events, such as those that have occurred since the Scorpio New Moon last Wednesday. 

Two of these animals — the Scorpion and the Eagle — symbolize two very different ways of responding to our life experience.

THE SCORPION hides under rocks or in loose soil during the day, coming forth at night to hunt and feed. They have the ability to paralyze and poison their prey. When we emulate the Scorpion…CONTINUE READING HERE


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KAYPACHA ~ pele report: get your act together

And here we go again: the latest pele report about purging, releasing, finetuning…with other words: a challenging time! Time to get your act together. Enjoy…if you can 🙂


I’m always choosing to evolve or not,

By leaving or sticking around,

Right now is the time to fully engage,

and not quit til the job is done.

OK, OK, no more early morning Pele Reports haha!  To tie up and conclude this report, we need to unite some of the separate threads.  Basically, this can be a time of fulfillment where you need to work and complete what you started, or it can be a time of overload where you are totally burnt out on what you are doing and experiencing a work crisis.

So this goes back to the need for deep self-contemplation, meditation, and a deepening of your connection to your soul purpose and the timing of its unfolding.  In general, I would say that if you are in alignment and expressing your deepest soul’s (unconscious remember) evolutionary intention (return or separate), then this is a time of it really coming together!  If you are not satisfied in/with your work environment it will reflect the need to change/alter.expand it in some way.

Of course, the house placement of Virgo in your natal chart will also yield you more information as well as the aspects that this conjunction is making to other planets.  I will be taking this Jupiter/Saturn/Neptune “T-square for 2016” through the houses in another video/videos.  If you are interested that will be coming out and available to the New Paradigm Community free and on the New Paradigm website if you’re not in the community.  Namaste’ and best wishes for happy working bees making future honey!

So Much Love!



KAYPACHA ~ pele report: time for a healing crisis?

Mercury is going direct on Friday, tomorrow, so if you are sensitive to Mercury’s energies: watch out. But Kaypacha has a lot more to say. This report starts off with more than the usual talk about astrological alignments, so you’ll have to wait for 10 mins until he gets to the interpretation. It’s worth it – see for yourself: 


OK, so much going on that I spaced out a bunch on the Pele Report that I should share here.  I would say that part of the atrocities (gunman shooting kids, ISIS, hospital bombing etc.) can be directly reflected in this Mercury, North Node, Black Moon Lilith (from here on out just Lilith). I see Lilith in the chart as representing an aspect of ourselves that is super powerful, so powerful we are afraid of it and reject it and turn it into shadow.  So in Libra she can become particularly dangerous. Why?

Libra is our desire for balance, peace, and relationship!  This is a 10 month time period from August ’15, to June of ’16 where we are dealing with the fear of relationship within the human psyche leading to a rejection of peace, balance, and relationship, or the “I, me my” syndrome.  Just think of a narcissistic world where these aspects or elements of human nature are rejected = “I don’t need peace, I don’t need balance or equality, I don’t need relationship.”  It’s a pretty cold world without Libra now isn’t it?  And it can lead to projecting negativity on those who carry/have/own those traits as somehow stupid, weak, or even dangerous.  Hence you can get acts of atrocity.

Let’s switch to the positive potential latent within these aspects by bringing in the Mars/Jupiter conjunction happening in Virgo this month (exact on the 17th).  This, coupled with Mercury/Lilith can lead to great, big (Jupiter) actions taken (Mars) to heal (Virgo) the nasty shadow elements that I/we have just become aware of (Mercury) through the media, conversation, or relationship breakdown.  These new awarenesses and actions can lead to deeper valuing of the relationships I do have and the need for peace, balance, and relationship to create a better future for both myself and everyone else (North Node in Libra).

This is how we can be experiencing the paradox of both terrible, heartless acts of violence, and exalted, successful, creative solutions, sexual relations, and relationship development at the same time!  Some are just on the other side of the shadow.  Let’s not forget that our shadow is our great teacher once seen and owned, and that this shadow can deepen our understanding of need, value, and benefits of living in peaceful, balanced relationship after experiencing what it is like to live without these!

Last but not least for sure is the Sun opposite Uranus which can bring in anything from Solar flares going nuts to sudden, unexplained phenomena designed to wake us up to a greater truth.  It may stimulate our nervous systems to the point of revolting, rebelling, or just plain freaking out if we don’t slow down and take it easy!  Way too easy to get carried away and go OCD with these aspects……So here’s this week’s mantra:

If I do the wisest,

I can resolve the crisis,

And with patient perseverance,

Help restore the balance.


So Much Love!


[*excerpted from his site]


KAYPACHA ~ time of destiny

This is the time of destiny – what more do I need to say? Hope you enjoy Kaypacha’s report! 

2390929 From KAYPACHA:

“I hope you have your seat belts fastened for this wild and crazy Lunar Eclipse weekend!  As I mentioned in the Pele Report, these eclipse seasons are times to expect the unexpected, prepare for chaos, and look for the hidden meaning, intention, and guidance that is constantly coming through all life events.  If you are not too attached, it can be a fun adventure/game experience with many “Ah Ha!” moments and new connections.  Needless to say, if you are attached it can be rather upsetting. I’m writing this on my way home to Costa Rica after a month of visiting and meeting new friends in North America.  How about that new headgear I got at the Tribal Visons festival that I wore for the Pele Report?  Ha ha!  At first I hesitated, wanting to maintain credibility, and then came to my senses lol!  Boils down again to my favorite mantra:  “Whatever,”  as I too am working toward my Aquarius Pluto Polarity Point (PPP) of non-attachment and finding that it comes down to having a good time after all!

If I’m to make my dreams come true,
I need to improve my aim,
By focusing and knowing my priorities,
Before I enter the game.

Well, these days there is just so much going on that if you try to do it all you will either do a lousy job on everything or fail to get it all done!  Hence the need to decide those priorities and only do what is REALLY on your path.

The bottom line of course, then, comes down to “Are you on your path?” and the need to more clearly define your path, your goals, your direction, and your purpose….. so we are talking bigger stuff than just “getting things done.”  There is a Spirit purpose behind flooding us all with big plans, dreams, and visions that take tons of time, energy and attention to accomplish.  That is that we all get to know ourselves on new and deeper levels through choosing what we want/can do and what we need to pass on.

Wishing you the best as you draw your lines in the sand and carve out that special niche in life just for you.  Injoy!

So Much Love!


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NorthpointAstrology ~ Pam Younghans

“A triangle with wings: The capacity for self-transcending.”

The Total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday occurs at 7:50pm PDT. The Sabian symbol for the Moon’s location at the time of an eclipse gives insights into the higher intention of the lunation. The symbol for this Sunday’s eclipse reinforces Pluto’s themes of moving us into “a higher level of expression”….. that’s what stuck out the most for me from this report. But read it yourself, perhaps you find something useful for your path. And remember: tomorrow is EQUINOX (at 1:22 am PDT) – thanks to the two eclipses, this one may be pretty intense as well –

Your guide to planetary energies for

September 21 to 27, 2015

By Pam Younghans

“A TEST OF FAITH.” These are the words that astrologer Bil Tierney uses to describe the effects of Saturn in Sagittarius. Given that Saturn fully entered the ninth sign last Thursday, each of us is now working with that basic lesson in varying degrees.

We will have something of a “pop quiz” this coming Friday when Saturn forms a square with Mars in Virgo. This aspect will challenge us to see …CONTINUE READING HERE


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KAYPACHA pele report … and some kick-ass energies

Had an amazing transforming weekend…” could have been my own  words. However, I would probably have described mine as an amazing kick-ass weekend. WOW. There was a precursor to it and for the last 10 days writing/posting was not an option. The internet was mostly off limits for me. The current energies made me overly sensitive and any negative news ( = news in general) felt toxic. So in my little cave I went….. Transforming it was, that’s for sure! So far, September may not have gifted us with the BIG CHANGE(yet)  but at least for me, it’s been transformative indeed. Here is, what’s in store for us for the coming 7 days. 

Had an amazing transforming weekend myself and hope you did too!  As the north node solar eclipse sent us into this eclipse season with Lilith conjunct the north node, it set the tone for the next six months really as one of coming to terms, truth, and reality in our relationships, work, and goals.  It will be interesting to see how these all develop as Mercury goes retrograde this week, all the way back to the node and Lilith to review, rethink, and perhaps redo some thoughts, plans, and conversations (will be there in 3 weeks so more on that later!)

In the meantime, things are blasting away here at NPA as I am presenting all over the place and meeting awesome friends EVERYWHERE!  It is so comforting to know there are so many like minded, loving people on this planet that are ready and pushing to heal themselves, others, and Gaia. I did manage to record one of my presentations that is going out to the NPA community, and one coming up in Santa Fe is being livestreamed if you would like an extra long Pele Report!

The time is now,

To share my truth,

As an offering of light,

Love and gratitude.

We have a couple different options when dealing with the planetary energies this week.  One is to feel oppressed or overworked, blow a fuse and let others have it!  We may not be fully aware of how attached, pushy, or forceful we are being when trying to get our way.  The second is to feel threatened by some nasty other and cower down in fear.  The challenge will be to remain calm and centered between the two.

In this report, I discuss how doing what is meaningful, purposeful, and true to you personally can change a dull, depressing routine into a joy filled contribution to humanity.  As we re-examine, re-evaluate, and re-member that our truth lies within, we can more easily align not only our goals and dreams, but our daily and weekly lives toward achieving them.   As Mercury goes re-trograde for the next three weeks in Libra, you may find yourself re-visiting some thoughts, conversations, and approaches that need some re-fining and re-tuning.  Don’t be afraid of humbly approaching the situation, as cooperation at this time can produce some fantastic results.

So Much Love!


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KAYPACHA ~ pele report: The Solar Eclipse sets the tone

The Eclipse season is here. This weekend, we’ll have a Partial Solar Eclipse.  If you do not happen to live in South Africa or be on an expedition in the Antarctica, then you should have your boat ready and in position in the Ocean. Chances are good you can view it from there. It’ll be visible from South Africa, Antarctica and locations in Indian and Atlantic Oceans. 🙂  Please see map below. The rest of us may just feel the energies shift.  Wherever you are: Enjoy!



Quite amazing to have another Eclipse season coming upon us, as it seems like the last wasn’t that long ago!  The Solar Eclipse sets the tone for the next 6 months according to the ancients, so we can look at this weekend for signs of what is to come. Yikes, personally, I’m doing an intensive this weekend on Pluto, Scorpio, and 8th house….. hope I don’t spend the next 6 months down there lol!

I’m really excited to be creating and posting some future workshops in different parts of the globe next year and have a few more coming in the wings.  I don’t want to be a naysayer, but we do have some housecleaning, both personal and planetary that needs to be done and these next 12 months with Jupiter in Virgo will be helping us become aware of it!  So roll up the sleeves and get ready to dig in!

What is the old saying… “If it doesn’t kill ya, it’ll make you stronger.”?  Hope you are eating and exercising, and making healthy choices in every area of life so that the river flows with less obstruction.  On the river bank for this Pele Report, and off to Colorado and points beyond tomorrow.

For more info on the NPA community and to join check out THIS LINK.


I love that life is a mystery,

The more I begin to see,

Her slowly sharing her secrets,

And showing myself to me.

Time to finish setting the table for the guests are about to arrive!  The Solar Eclipse this weekend in Virgo wants everything perfect for the banquet to begin.  This may require going back over some “old forgotten details” in the projects, relationships, initiatives, and health, maybe even stretching back to how we have been treating ourselves since childhood.

It can be a week when Life brings us our issues to look at and “fix” prior to moving on.  Through some of the “crisis” that may emerge, it will be helpful to maintain the attitude that everybody and everything will be better off in the long run and that we can be in a state of gratitude rather than victim when being shown our “faulty” ways.

One tendency might be to try and avoid or deny the problem/s, procrastinate or give up when shown how much effort is required to get back on track.  Fortunately, Venus and Mars together in Leo trine Uranus can give us some original creative ways to deal with just about anything.  Particularly in the realm of love and relationship, it is a time to brainstorm in new ways of being in relationship with ourselves and our partner/s rather than dwell on how the current situation needs changing.  The more proactive we are now, the less reactive we may be later!  Enjoy working it all out (and not just in the gym)!

So Much Love!
